Come by CompuLab Nordic stand nr. C-3739 and have a look at the latest hardware and have a chat about Industrial IoT.
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In CompuLab Nordic, we select brands and products that have in common to be hardware of particularly good quality, and that fits into our range of industrially suitable PC and server products, IoT Gateways, Panel PCs, Displays and Network equipment. At the Electronics Fair, we present a large selection of the latest products and brands and bring examples of the next generation, several of which will not be on the market until 2023 when the technology is ready.
Strong focus on Industrial IoT
Many of our products are suitable for use in IioT, solutions such as IoT Gateways and control units. We also offer the hardware together with our cloud based management platform IoTDesk – which enables central management of IoT setups, data integration, automation and monitoring.
Increased delivery times on hardware – we can help
The entire IT industry is struggling with long delivery times due to component shortages and it is unfortunately a long prospect for things to return to normal. In the next few years, order and purchasing management will be a challenge, and it is possible that finding alternative products will be the solution to that. At CompuLab Nordic, we are in constant contact with the manufacturers, and we receive continuous delivery updates. At the same time, we help to find suitable products that can be used as a supplement in the event of delays.
For more information.
Come and meet us at E-22 at stand nr: C-3739